Traditional woodburning stove

Yorkshire Stoves - our advice on all the important aspects relating to wood burning stoves, multi fuel stoves, inset stoves and fireplace stoves.

Choosing ‘The Right Stove’
There is no point buying a stove just by looks alone, there is a strong possibility that it will be the wrong size for you home, giving off far too much heat or not enough heat for your room.

How the Stove Looks
When you first start thinking about installing a stove in your home the first thing on your mind is the look of the stove. The look of the stove is an important part and with woodburning and muiltifuel stoves becoming more and more popular the ranges available to you are also on the increase. You can browser the latest stoves on the market by following the links on our supplier’s page

Kilowatts, What Size
All domestic heating appliances are required by law to give details of the power output rating in kilowatts. The size of your room instigates what size stove is best for your home.

We recommend the following:
Small room – 5kW
Medium room – 6kW
Large Room – 8kW

To get the exact heating value needed we can do a simple calculation.

  1. Measure the length, width and height of your room (in metres).
  2. Multiply length x width x height then divide this by 14.

Example: A room size of 10m Long, 5m Wide and 3m High would have a Heating Value requirement of 10.71kW

With more complicated room shapes we recommend that you arrange a home visit to ensure you are given our best advice from one of our qualified stove engineers.

Which Fuel
Modern stoves burn two different types of fuel. The most common and well know is wood, with smokeless fuel being the secondary choice. If your home falls into a smokeless zone this is not a problem as Wood Burning Stoves are now approved for smokeless zones. Most manufacturers have a least one product in their range that is certified as smokeless. A multifuel stove is the only option that can burn smokeless fuels and wood unlike a wood burning stove which will only burn wood.

Further Advice
Further questions and answers regarding stoves and stove types are available on our ‘questions’ page, if you can not find the answer to your question, simply call us Free on 0800 7566625 or fill in our contact form today.


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